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Februartagung 2021

Committees / Chairs

Many thanks to all colleagues helping us with the organization of the conference!


Poster Slam ( Dr. C. Herrera; Zurich, Switzerland)

Welcome and Introduction (Prof. Dr. H. Bollwein, Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 1: Genetics (Prof. Dr. H. Pausch; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 2 Epigenetics (Dr. K. Giller; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 3: Gametes (Dr. D. Scarlet; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 4: FBF-Session (Dr. S. Klein; Bonn, Germany)

Session 5: Stress and Reproduction (Prof. Dr. U. Bleul; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 6: Other topics (PD Dr. S. Bauersachs; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 7: Reproduction in Zoo and Wildlife Species (Prof Dr. M. Clauss; Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 8: Pregnancy and Parturition (Prof. Dr. M.  Kowalewski; Zurich, Switzerland)

Poster Prices and End of the Conference (Prof. Dr. H. Bollwein, Zurich, Switzerland)
